Saturday, July 28, 2012

The need of a voice from deep beneath

The day is quite moody. I do not blame the showering rain of God’s own country for this darkness. Forgo the reason, the day reminds me of a girl with a gloomy face who seems to have fought with someone so dear to her. I saw a similar girl at the doorstep of my neighbour. No reason to notice her, except her red glossy frock that contrasted her skin colour. She is dark, with a peculiar curve at her nose. She has worn red matching bangles, which again did a disaster to her beauty.

She was wearing her slippers back on her foot, which clearly implied her visit at the neighbour’s house was done. As she walked away, the beauty pageant of our flat, the wife of my neighbour put her head out and saw the lazy me, staring at the little girl. I was with my morning newspaper, wearing a loose worn out t-shirt that my uncle presented me years ago. The mustard colour of the t-shirt has almost faded and my mother keeps blaming me for using it over the years.

“That is our servant’s daughter. You remember bhai arranging a seat for her in Carmel Gardens. She refused that seat,” my sizzling neighbour said.

I wondered why my neighbour beauty addressed her husband bhai, which according to me denoted brother in Hindi. Whatsoever, I know the matter she said. My neighbour is a rich politically acclaimed personality, who truly stands for the emancipation of downtrodden. He has helped many and this time his generous heart was extended towards his servant’s daughter. He managed to arrange a seat for her in a well known school in the city.

“She refused to go to that school. She has no idea of the foolishness she did,” my neighbour continued.

I could understand that little girl’s fear of entering into a different class of society. I remembered a similar incident my teacher told me some time back.

Yes, there are voices raised to uplift every oppressed. There are reservations, organizations and law to ensure the justice. But, who works to free them from the mental shackles they undergo? After all, it is the mentality that makes a man a loser or a winner.

As I lifted the newspaper, I saw a big flick of a crowned politician shouting for the rights of the people.


Anonymous said...

juz stumbled upon your blog, that's an interesting point of view, certainly agree! Personally, i feel if someone wants to improve their quality of living, no matter what they are, they must get out of their "comfort zones" & they will be clearly a "winner".

Good post, keep updating.. will bmark it on my reader.. :) :)

chikki4fun said...

omgimalive-Thank You so much!!! Getting out of the comfort zone is something most people fear to do and that stops their life at that brink.